Friday, 9 September 2016

Ecorche memory drawing moving away from Diagramatic position

This drawing shows how a simple break in position and pose of the diagram removes the scientific specimen look of the diagrams and yet notice that it is still an Ecorche exercise not a study for a specific panting. Please note that for students, creating local form through shading individual muscles is advised at the start. Drawing from 29.8.16.

Ecorche memory drawings

These recent drawings show that the A4 scale is now being naturally out grown. This is very important as in my experience for my painting you need A3 or A2 scale drawings to create life size figures.
They are in chronological order 5.9.16, 7.9.16, 8.9.16.

Friday, 2 September 2016

Female Figures

Here are two female nudes improvised from memory yesterday.
They show that artistic anatomy which is often associated with academic life drawing can also be used for a much more spontaneous delicate eloquence.

Incidentally speaking of life drawing, even though these conceptions of the female form will mainly derive from the Diagram of Woman they are also very much influenced by decades of life room drawing.

The second drawing shows Pentimenti not only in the linear corrections of the outline but also in an entire change of position of the legs.

Silly me they are dated 1.10.16 but they are 1.9.16

Diagram of Man as template

In this memory exercise from 11.7.16 using the memorized Diagram of Man that I previously posted you can see me combining this with the Cranial Index proportions.
The proportional grid is drawn free hand and is not meant to be ridged ruler work, a reasonable accuracy is achieved however due to the fact that drawing a square from  memory is actually easy.
(as long as your not hungover)
You can see my first mistake of having the bony reference point of the Anterior Superior Iliac Crest half a Cranial Index to low. I have then just corrected with over drawing without rubbing out my previous mistake.

The next day I do the same front view to embed the correct proportion but notice that I throw the light from the opposite direction from the previous day.

This is just my updated model book method for the internet but its just the same idea as a Renaissance workshop training using exempla.